Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Summary of Sociolinguistic

v  A vernacular is the native language or native dialect of a specific population, as opposed to a language of wider communication that is not native to the population, such as a national language or lingua franca
v  Bahasa kreol adalah keturunan dari bahasa pijin yang menjadi bahasa ibu bagi sekelompok orang yang berasal dari latar belakang berbeda-beda
v  Bahasa kreol berkembang karena sebab berikut :
Berkumpulnya berbagai orang dari latar belakang yang berbeda, maksudnya: di suatu daerah, terjadi kontak antara penduduk asli dan pendatang yang satu sama lain berbeda bahasa. Dari sini kemudian digunakan sarana komunikasi yang terdiri dari bahasa dominan, namun terpengaruh oleh kosakata-kosakata bawaan dari orang-orang tersebut.

Pada mulanya bahasa inilah yang disebut Pidgin, dengan kosakata yang sangat sederhana. Namun, ketika mengalami proses kreolisasi, tata bahasanya mengalami perkembangan sehingga menjadi bahasa yang stabil dan terpisah dari bahasa induknya. Sebagian besar bahasa kreol ini berakar dari bahasa-bahasa Indo-Eropa sebagai bahasa dasarnya.

v  Berikut adalah bahasa-bahasa kreol yang sudah dikenal :
v  Kreol Arab ,Ki Nubi,Arab Juba,Arab Babalia,Kreol Inggris ,Bislama,Tok Pisin,Krio,Pitcairn,Sranang Tongo,Kreol Miskito A creole language, or simply a creole, is a stable natural language developed from the mixing of parent languages; creoles differ from pidgins (which are believed by scholars to be necessary precedents of creoles) in that they have been nativized by children as their primary language, making them have features of natural languages that are normally missing from pidgins.
v  Language died happens when a language in the course of its normal development gradually morphs into something that is then recognized as a separate, different language, leaving the old form with no native speakers. Thus, for example, Old English may be regarded as a "dead language", with no native speakers, although it has never "died" but instead simply changed and developed into Middle English, Early Modern English and Modern English. Or is a process that affects speech communities where the level of linguistic competence that speakers possess of a given language variety is decreased, eventually resulting in no native and/or fluent speakers of the variety. Language death may affect any language idiom, including dialects and languages.

v  Language death may manifest itself in one of the following ways:
gradual language death
bottom-to-top language death: when a language begins to change in a low level place such as the home.
top-to-bottom language death: when a language begins to change in a high level place such as the government.
radical language death
linguicide (a.k.a. sudden language death, language death by genocide, physical language death, biological language death)
v  An ethnic group (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, often consisting of a common language, a common culture (often including a shared religion) and/or an ideology that stresses common ancestry or endogamy OR a highly biologically self-perpetuating group sharing an interest in a homeland connected with a specific geographical area, a common language and traditions, including food preferences, and a common religious faith
v  Ethnicity is an aspect of social relationship between agents who consider themselves as being culturally distinctive from members of other groups with whom they have a minimum of regular interaction.
v  Language shift occurs when a community who share similar mother tongue abandon it, and collectively shift to speaking another language
v  discusses language shift which are triggered by demographic, attitude, economic, social, and political factors.
v   Firstly, demographic factor plays the role in the process of language shift. When there is a community of speakers moving to a region or a country whose language is different from theirs, there is a tendency to shift to the new language. Every time an immigrant learns the native language of the new country and passes it down to children in place of the old country language. For example, I was born in Solo so my mother tongue is Javanese which was used as the language in my former neighborhood and the medium of instruction in my elementary school. I moved to Jakarta in 1979. Since then, I only use Javanese at home with my family and my Javanese neighbors. Because there is a high frequency of contact with people coming from different ethnic groups who use Bahasa Indonesia, I gradually shift from Javanese to Bahasa Indonesia. This is a clear evidence that demography is an influencing factor in language shift.
v   Secondly, the negative attitudes towards the language can also accelerate language shift. It occurs where the ethnic language is not highly valued and is not seen as a symbol of identity. As stated by Holmes, young people are the fastest to shift languages (60). Teenagers in some big cities of Central Java Province gradually abandon Javanese in daily communication. Having various levels of formality, Javanese is seen as a difficult medium of instruction. They are required to choose different variety when talking to different people. In addition, they feel more prestigious when using Bahasa Indonesia or English than when using Javanese. (Samadi SP, Suara Karya). Teenagers nowadays want to be a part of a global community. Therefore, they do not have the need to show their identity by using Javanese. If this continues, they will eventually lose their ability to speak Javanese.
v   Thirdly, language shift is caused by economic reason. Holmes says that job seekers see the importance of learning a new language which is widely used in business (60). The high demand from industries for employees with fluent English has successfully encouraged job seekers to equip themselves with English. In fact, being competent in English leads to well-paid jobs.
v   Finally, political factor imposes on language shift. In a multilingual country, the authority usually chooses one language as the lingua franca to unify various kinds of ethnic groups. Consequently, the number of ethnic language speakers decreases. As an example, the political situation in 1947 led to the partition of India. Sindhi Hindus fled from the Sind. They spoke Sindhi at home but had to adopt the local languages. This process has led to language displacement leading to language loss among the Sindhis (Bayer, 2005). Another example, the official languages of many African countries were determined by their former colonialists. Those languages replace African tribal languages. Both examples show how they experience language shift.
v   To sum up, language shift is an interesting and inevitable linguistic phenomenon.The factors which trigger the shift vary from one language community to another. Some of them are demographic, attitude, economic, social, and political factors.
v  Language loss is an overarching term which includes both language shift and language attrition.
v  Language shift is often investigated in several generations and usually refers to an intergenerational and group process.
v  Language attrition usually refers to decreasing competence in the mother tongue of individual speakers (Myers-Scotton 2002).
v  Types of language loss: Loss of L1 in L1 environment (e.g. loss of dialect within dialect community) 
Loss of L1 in L2 environment (e.g. loss of native language by migrant workers)
Loss of L2 in L1 environment (e.g. foreign language loss)
Loss of L2 in L2 environment (second language loss by aging migrants)

v  Reasons for loss: Linguistic reasons--linguistic similarity of two languages (e.g., Portuguese speakers living in Spanish-speaking countries)
v  Cultural reasons—strong cultural similarities between L1 and L2 groups (e.g., Irish Protestants living in England)
v  Demographic reasons
high rate of exogamy
small concentrations of L1 speakers
long length of time in new locale
v  Educational reasons—lack of support for literacy or formal education in L1 (e.g., immigrants in U.S. or France)

young age (productive language skills in L1 tend to decrease considerably with each passing generation)
v  Psychological reasons
negative attitudes towards L1 language and culture on part of larger society or on part of speakers themselves
identification with larger society rather than L1 group
v  Language planning is a deliberate effort to influence the function, structure, or acquisition of languages or language variety within a speech community.[1] It is often associated with government planning, but is also used by a variety of non-governmental organizations, such as grass-roots organizations and even individuals. The goals of language planning differ depending on the nation or organization, but generally include making planning decisions and possibly changes for the benefit of communication.
v  Language status is a concept distinct from, though intertwined with, language prestige and language function. Strictly speaking, language status is the position or standing of a language vis-à-vis other languages.
v  Language planning goals

Eleven Language Planning Goals have been recognized (Nahir 2003):[6]
v  Language Purification – prescription of usage in order to preserve the “linguistic purity” of language, protect language from foreign influences, and guard against language deviation from within
v  Language Revival – the attempt to turn a language with few or no surviving native speakers back into a normal means of communication[7]
v  Language Reform – deliberate change in specific aspects of language, like orthography, spelling, or grammar, in order to facilitate use
v  Language Standardization – the attempt to garner prestige for a regional language or dialect, transforming it into one that is accepted as the major language, or standard language, of a region
v  Language Spread – the attempt to increase the number of speakers of one language at the expense of another
v  Lexical Modernization – word creation or adaptation
v  Terminology Unification – development of unified terminologies, primarily in technical domains
v  Stylistic Simplification – simplification of language usage in lexicon, grammar, and style
v  Interlingual Communication – facilitation of linguistic communication between members of distinct speech communities
v  Language Maintenance – preservation of the use of a group’s native language as a first or second language where pressures threaten or cause a decline in the status of the language
v  Auxiliary-Code Standardization – standardization of marginal, auxiliary aspects of language such as signs for the deaf, place names, or rules of transliteration and transcription

v  Language revitalization, language revival or reversing language shift is the attempt by interested parties, including individuals, cultural or community groups, governments, or political authorities, to reverse the decline of a language[citation needed

v  Language shift, sometimes referred to as language transfer or language replacement or assimilation, is the progressive process whereby a speech community of a language shifts to speaking another language, Example:Alsace

In Alsace, France, a longtime German-speaking region, German and Alsatian, the native Germanic dialect, all but disappeared as useful languages after a period of being banned and persecuted by the French government after the First World War and the Second World War. They were superseded by French
v  Where a language is widely used over a relatively large geographical area as a language of wider communication, it is known as a lingua franca--a common language but one which is native only to some of its speakers
v  Sebagai contoh adalah bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Indonesia di Asia Tenggara. Di kawasan ini bahasa ini dipergunakan tidak hanya oleh para penutur ibunya, namun oleh banyak penutur kedua sebagai bahasa pengantar. Contoh yang lain adalah bahasa Inggris di pentas internasional.
v  Logat adalah cara pengucapan yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing orang sesuai dengan asal daerah ataupun suku bangsa. Logat dapat mengidentifikasi lokasi dimana pembicara berada, status sosial-ekonomi, dan lain lainnya
v  Dialek (bahasa Yunani: διάλεκτος, dialektos), adalah varian dari sebuah bahasa menurut pemakai
v  Berdasarkan pemakaian bahasa, dialek dibedakan menjadi berikut[1]:
v  Dialek regional: varian bahasa yang dipakai di daerah tertentu. Misalnya, bahasa Melayu dialek Ambon, dialek Jakarta, atau dialek Medan.
v  Dialek sosial: dialek yang dipakai oleh kelompok sosial tertentu atau yang menandai strata sosial tertentu. Misalnya, dialek remaja.
v  Dialek temporal, yaitu dialek yang dipakai pada kurun waktu tertentu. Misalnya, dialek Melayu zaman Sriwijaya dan dialek Melayu zaman Abdullah.
v  Idiolek, keseluruhan ciri bahasa seseorang yang khas pribadi dalam lafal, tata bahasa, atau pilihan dan kekayaan kata.
v  Sosiolinguistik menjelaskan bagaimana menggunakan bahasa itu dalam aspek atau segi sosial tertentu, seperti dirumuskah Fishman (1967:15) bahwa yang dipersoalkan dalam sosiolinguistik adalah, “who speak, what language, to whom, when, and to what end”. Dari rumusan Fishman itu dapat kita jabarkan manfaat atau kegunaan sosiolinguistik bagi kehidupan praktis.
v  Pidgin is a very basic language which is used to communicate between cultures. It is never the first language of a speaker, and it usually involves a blend of words and concepts from at least two, and sometimes more, cultures. Pidgin is characterized by being simple and easy to understand, although it can sometimes surprisingly be a challenge to learn to communicate clearly in pidgin, since it is so simple.
v  Examples and Observations:
"At first a pidgin language has no native speakers, and is used just for doing business with others with whom one shares the pidgin language and no other. In time, most pidgin languages disappear, as the pidgin-speaking community develops, and one of its established languages becomes widely known and takes over the role of the pidgin as the lingua franca, or language of choice of those who do not share a native language."
 (Grover Hudson, Essential Introductory Linguistics. Blackwell, 2000)
v  A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.
v  A standard language (also standard dialect or standardized dialect) is a language variety used by a group of people in their public discourse
v  Standard languages commonly feature:
A recognized dictionary (standardized spelling and vocabulary)
A recognized grammar
A standard pronunciation (educated speech)
A linguistic institution defining usage norms, e.g. Académie française, the Royal Spanish Academy
Constitutional (legal) status (frequently as an official language)
Effective public use (court, legislature, schools)
A literary canon
v  Social Networking is a nice form of entertainment, great for meeting people with similar interests, and can be a very effective business technique for entrepreneurs, writers, actors, musicians or artists.
v  Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online.
v  Language change is the phenomenon whereby phonetic, morphological, semantic, syntactic, and other features of language vary over time. The effect on language over time is known as diachronic change.
v  Causes of language change
economy: Speakers tend to make their utterances as efficient and effective as possible to reach communicative goals. Purposeful speaking therefore involves a trade-off of costs and benefits.
the principle of least effort: Speakers especially use economy in their articulation, which tends to result in phonetic reduction of speech forms. See vowel reduction, cluster reduction, lenition, and elision. After some time a change may become widely accepted (it becomes a regular sound change) and may end up treated as a standard. For instance: going to [ˈɡoʊ.ɪntʊ] → gonna [ˈɡʌnə], with examples of both vowel reduction [ʊ] → [ə] and elision [nt] → [n], [oʊ.ɪ] → [ʌ].
analogy - reducing word forms by likening different forms of the word to the root.
language contact - the borrowing of words from foreign languages.
the medium of communication
cultural environment: Groups of speakers will reflect new places, situations, and objects in their language, whether they encounter different people there or not.

Rudi Keller discusses language change in the context of evolutionary process: "the historical evolution of language", proposing his invisible hand explanation.

contoh laporan studi banding:


Code Switching and code mixing

Code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event… code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.

more explanation about code switching and mixing

National Languages and Language Planning

Paraguay is the only Latin American nation with a distinctive national language – Guarani. Although Spanish is used as the appropriate language to formal interaction and business, but the people are proud to use Paraguay to express the loyalty toward and use it when meet people overseas.

National and official languages
A national language is the language of political, cultural and social unit. It is generally developed and used as the symbol of national unity. Its functions are to identify the nation and unite the people of the nation. An official language is simply a language may be used for government business. Its function is primarily utilitarian rather than symbolic. It’s possible of course, for one language to serve both functions.

Official status and minority language
Many minorities would like to gain official status for their languages, but the cost is terms of providing services and information in all official language and considerable. Many recent of the special status providing services, information, and legal representation and in education in just two official languages is an expensive business. It seems unlikely other minorities will earn such right easily.

What price of a national language?
Many countries have regarded the development of a single national language as a way of symbolizing the unity of a nation. In Tanzania, it’s illustrated nicely when a country decides the development an indigenous language for use the national language. Linguists are often involved in this process of language planning.

Planning for a national official language features
Language Planning is defined most simply as deliberate language change. Language planners generally focus on specific language problems.

Form, functions and attitudes
There are four interrelated steps that involved in developing a code of variety:
· Selection: Choosing the variety or code to be developed
· Codification: standardizing its structural or linguistic features
· Elaboration: Extending its functions for use in new domain
· Securing its acceptance: The status of new variety is important, and people’s attitudes to the variety being developed must be considered.

The linguist’s role in language planninsg
Developing the vocabulary

shared by Shizieru

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

TOP 50 Lagu Bru Korea Yang Sedang Diminati di Korea dan Luar Negeri Minggu Ini :

1. (--) IU - 너랑 나 (You And I) ***4th Week @ No. 1***
Score: 888
Genre: Pop Ballad
Music: Lee Min Soo / Lyrics: Kim Ina
Album: IU Vol. 2

2. (--) Trouble Maker - Trouble Maker
Score: 839
Genre: Pop/Dance
Music: Shinsadong Tiger, Rado / Lyrics: Shinsadong Tiger, Rado
Album: Trouble Maker mini-album

3. (+4) Davichi & T-Ara - 우리 사랑했잖아 (We Were In Love)
Score: 790
Genre: Pop Ballad
Music: Cho Young Soo / Lyrics: K Smith
Album: T-Ara mini-album Vol. 5

4. (+1) A Pink - My My
Score: 700
Genre: Pop/Dance
Music: Shinsadong Tiger, Rado / Lyrics: Shinsadong Tiger, Rado
Album: Apink mini-album Vol. 2

5. (new) T-Ara - Lovey Dovey
Score: 592
Genre: Pop/Dance
Music: Shinsadong Tiger, Choi Gyu Sung / Lyrics: Shinsadong Tiger, Choi Gyu Sung
Album: T-Ara mini-album Vol. 5

6. (new) Lee Hyun - 너니까 (Because You Are You)
Score: 581
Genre: Pop Ballad
Music: Hitman Bang / Lyrics: Hitman Bang
Album: Lee Hyun Vol. 1

7. (+1) Electroboys - Ma Boy 2 (feat. Sistar Hyo Rin)
Score: 561
Genre: Hip-Hop
Music: Brave Brothers / Lyrics: Brave Brothers
Album: Electroboyz 2nd single "Rebirth"

8. (+7) Zi-A - 속상해서 (술 한잔 해요 Part 2) (Depressed (Have A Drink Part 2))
Score: 535
Genre: Pop Ballad
Music: Kim Do Hoon, Choi Gap Won / Lyrics: Choi Gap Won
Album: Zi-A digital single "Depressed"

9. (--) Wonder Girls - Be My Baby
Score: 533
Genre: Pop/Dance
Music: Park Jin Young / Lyrics: Park Jin Young
Album: Wonder Girls Vol. 2

10. (-6) Huh Gak & LE - 그 노래를 틀때마다 (Every Time That Song Is Turned On)
Score: 526
Genre: Pop Ballad
Music: Rado / Lyrics: Rado, LE
Album: Huh Gak & LE digital single "Every Time That Song Is Turned On"

11 Young Joon (Brown Eyed Soul) (--) 꽃보다 그대가 (You Are Prettier Than The Flowers (feat. Simon D)) 515
12 Ali (-6) 촌스럽게 굴지 마 (Don't Act Countrified) 502
13 Koyote (new) 했던 말 또 하고 (Repeat The Same Words) 455
14 Dong Hae & Eun Hyuk (Super Junior) (-4) 떴다 오빠 (Oppa Oppa) 440
15 Dynamic Duo (new) 거기서거기 (Without You) 427
16 Park Jae Bum (+7) 별 (Star) 418
17 Teen Top (new) 미치겠어 (Crazy) 415
18 Boy Friend (+2) 내가 갈게 (I'll Be There) 407
19 Noel (-1) 살기 위해서 (Just To Live) 345
20 Orange Caramel (-6) Funny Hunny 302
21 Joosuc (new) Sun & Star (feat. Lim Jung Hee) 284
22 Monday Kiz (-9) 미행 (Follow) 270
23 SNSD (-2) The Boys 268
24 Kim Yeon Woo (-2) 더 가까이 (Little Bit Closer) 239
25 10cm (new) 애상 (Sorrow) 238
26 U-Kiss (--) 평생 (For Kiss Me) 209
27 Infinite (-15) 하얀 고백 (Lately) 205
28 Kim Bo Kyung (-12) 메아리 (Echo) 199
29 Lee Young Hyun (Big Mama) (-10) 이별사랑 (Love, Break Up) 193
30 Lee Seung Ki (-1) 친구잖아 (We're Friends) 182
31 Lee Seung Chul, Christina Love Lee (-14) I Believe 177
32 Jea (-8) 그대 바보 (You Fool) 153
33 F.I.X (new) 말하지마 (Don't Say) 132
34 Jang Jae In (-9) 겨울밤 (Winter Night) 129
35 Fat Cat (new) 예쁜게 다니 (Is Being Pretty Everything) 112
36 Secret (--) 사랑은 MOVE (Love Move) 109
37 Yoon Jong Shin (new) 느낌Good (Feel Good (feat. Jang Jae In)) 107
38 YB (-4) 흰수염고래 (Blue Whale) 101
39 NS Yoon G (new) 미녀가 된 이유 (The Reason I Became A Witch) 100
40 Yim Jae Bum (-13) 사랑..그 놈 (Love..That Thing) 97
41 4men & Mi (-13) 그 남자 그 여자 (That Man That Woman) 95
42 8Eight (-11) 한사람 (One Person) 86
43 Shin Hye Sung (new) 돌아와줘 (Come Back To Me) 80
44 Lim Jung Hee (new) 필라멘트 (Filament) 64
45 Kim Hyun Joong (SS501) (-12) Marry Me 54
46 Lucid Fall (+1) 여부가 (A Fisherman's Song) 53
47 Chocolat (new) I Like It 52
48 Chaos (new) 그녀가 온다 (She Is Coming) 52
49 Kim Won Jun (M4) (new) 니가 뭔데 (Who Do You Think You Are) 44
50 Verbal Jint (-5) 감사감사 (Thank You) 40

Di hitung berdasarkan :

Air Monitor Chart - 15%
GAON Music Chart - 15%
Various Internet charts (Olleh, Bugs, Melon, Soribada, Naver, Daum) - 15%
Billboard Korea - 15%
SBS (Inky Gayo Take 7 + voting list) - 10%
MBC Inky Top 100 Chart - 10%
KBS Music Bank K-Chart - 10%
MNet Chart - 10%
source english: soompi chart
indo: korean celebrity info
shared by: Destiny

Daftar Pemenang Golden Globes ke 69 tahun 2012

Best Picture (Drama): The Descendants
Best Actor in a Movie (Drama): George Clooney, The Descendants
Best Picture (Comedy or Musical): The Artist
Best Actress in a Movie (Drama): Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Best Actor in a Movie (Comedy or Musical): Jean Dujardin, The Artist
Best TV Series (Comedy or Musical): Modern Family
Best Director: Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Best Supporting Actress in a Movie: Octavia Spencer, The Help
Best Actor in a TV Series (Comedy or Musical): Matt LeBlanc, Episodes
Best Actress in a TV Series (Drama): Claire Danes, Homeland
Best Foreign Language Movie: A Separation (Iran)
Best Supporting Actress in a TV Series, Miniseries, or TV Movie: Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
Best Screenplay: Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen
Best Animated Movie: The Adventures of Tintin
Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series, Miniseries, or TV Movie: Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Best Actress in a Movie (Comedy or Musical): Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
Best Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Idris Elba, Luther
Best Original Song: “Masterpiece,” W.E.
Best Original Score: Ludovic Bource, The Artist
Best TV Series (Drama): Homeland
Best Actor in a TV Series (Drama): Kelsey Grammer, Boss
Best Actress in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Kate Winslet, Mildred Pierce
Best Miniseries or TV Movie: Downton Abbey
Best Actress in a TV Series (Comedy or Musical): Laura Dern, Enlightened
Best Supporting Actor in a Movie: Christopher Plummer, Beginners
source: tabloid bintang 
shared by: Destiny

(NEWS) Hey! Say! JUMP Gelar Konser Asia

PARA penggemar cowok-cowok imut Hey! Say! JUMP, tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk menonton aksi idolanya di Jepang.
Pada 2 Januari lalu diumumkan bahwa HSJ akan menggelar konser Asia perdananya, Maret hingga Juni mendatang. Kabar gembira itu dari Johnny Kitagawa sesaat sebelum konser mereka di Yokohama Arena.
“Saya bahagia kami akhirnya akan bertemu para fans di berbagai negara,” jelas Yabu Kota. Sementara Chinen Yuri ikut gembira dan berkomentar. “Menggelar konser di luar negeri adalah tujuan kami. Saya senang dan ini akan menjadi awal yang bagus buat JUMP,” tukasnya seperti dilansir telegraph.
Menurut Johnny & Associates akan digelar konser sebanyak 3 kali di Hongkong, 4 kali di Taiwan, 2 kali di Bangkok, 4 kali di Korea Selatan.
Konser Asia ini merupakan yang pertama sejak mereka debut November 2007. Tur Asia ini juga terkait dengan rangkaian tur di Yokohama yang akan digelar sebanyak 14 kali.
Di sela-sela kabar gembira itu, terbetik berita soal diterimanya Yabu Kota di Universitas Waseda. Yabu Kota rencananya akan mengambil jurusan human science. Seperti yang diketahui para penggemar, Yabu Kota baru melanjutkan kuliahnya setelah lulus SMA tahun 2008 dan memilih berkonsentrasi menjalani kesibukan yang superpadat dengan HSJ.
“Sejak dulu saya tidak pernah benci belajar dan selalu ingin melanjutkan kuliah selama 4 tahun terakhir ini. Saya akan berusaha membagi waktu antara kuliah dan pekerjaan,” jelas Yabu Kota. Dia rencananya akan memulai kuliahnya bulan April mendatang.
Source:  tabloid bintang
shared by : Destiny

(PIKU)New Photo Shoot Revealed of IU for Brand "Le Coq Sportif"

Versatile Idol IU is a prefect representative for fashion brands.
The French heritage sports brand “Le Coq Sportif” chose IU as their new model. “Le Coq Sportif” released a photo shoot staring singer IU. She was encouraged to put together her own ensembles for the photo shoot. The ad focuses on IU’s own style which is fun and fresh as opposed to that of a stylist.
IU kept up with the theme of the ads as she encourages you to start a fun new school semester with the “Le Le Le Begins” style. In the photos she wore her favorite styles such as long tops and tight leggings, which only highlighted her slender legs. Her flair throughout the shoot also allowed her charming personality to shine through.
IU who usually enjoys wearing normal and comfortable outfits, had fun adding some fresh color with her running shoes which was a perfect touch showing that she also has style and fashion sense. Her casual style was further completed with a black colored square backpack.
A spokesperson for “Le Coq Sportif” complimented IU saying, “IU has selected shoes featuring a unique color scheme which consumers have already given them the nickname of ‘IU shoes.’ Within a month of distribution we have sold nearly 60% of all units. We are already getting orders in for stores wanting to re-stock. It hasn’t taken long at all for us to see the ‘IU effect’’s benefits.”

Currently, IU had been promoting her hit single “You and I.”  Her label is working on plans for IU’s follow up song and promotions.

source     : soompi
shared by: Destiny

Senin, 16 Januari 2012



An eponym is a word derived from the name of a real, fictional, mythical or spurious character or person. Most eponyms originate from a person's surname: boycott, for instance, from the Irish landlord Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott; dahlia, from the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl; the sousaphone, from the American bandmaster John Philip Sousa; and volt, from the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta. Many eponymous words come from literary, biblical or mythological sources: malapropism, from Mrs Malaprop in Sheridan's The Rivals; Dickensian, from the English writer Charles Dickens; as old as Methuselah, from the age of the Old Testament patriarch; and aphrodisiac, from the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.

There are thousands of eponyms in everyday use in English today and study of them yields a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the world's most popular language and its development. Here are some more examples of names that have been immortalised in such a way.

America    Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), Italian explorer
atlas    Atlas, Titan in Greek mythology
August    Augustus Caesar (63 BC - AD 14), Roman emperor
boycott    Charles C. Boycott (1832-1897), Irish land agent

Word Coinage

Word Coinage in English
Preferred Patterns for Academic English:
derivations: trans/mit, re/mit, e/mit, sub/mit
(compare with inflections: wait/s, wait/ed, wait/ing)
Compounding: politeness factor, sodium chloride
Acronyms: FYI, NATO, BYO, rsvp, scuba
Preferred Patterns for Interpersonal English:
Semantic shift or metaphorical extension: bottomless, rip off
Conversion: sing (noun)
Compounding: girlfriend, fastfood
Clippings (abbreviations): fax (facsimile)
Historically Important but Less Common Today
Borrowing: rendezvous, spaghetti
Possible but Less Seldom Used
Invention: blurglegee, Xenon
Onomatopoeia: blahs
Loan translation (calque): see through (transparent) living space (lebensraum)
Blends: smog, brunch, motel
Reduplication: no-no (noun)
Back formations (false etymology): edit, burger, pea
Eponyms (words based on names): sandwich, kleenex


 morphology adalah “study of the morphemes of a language and ofhow they are combined to make word

Morpheme adalah: “smallest meaningful part into whicha word can be divided: ‘Run-s’ contains two morphemes; and‘un-like-ly’ contains three morphemes. Jadi, morpheme adalah bagianterkecil dari kata. Bagian terkecil tersebut ‘memiliki arti’ ataumemiliki (maaf saya mengistilahkannya) implikasi linguistik. Misal,‘Run’ memiliki implikasi yang tidak sama dengan ‘Runs’

morphemeAnabstract element of meaning, which may be free in that it takes the formof an independent word, or bound in that it is incorporated into a wordas a dependent part.

freemorpheme An element of meaning which takes the form of an independentword.

boundmorpheme An element of meaning which is structurally dependent on theword it is added to, e.g. the plural morpheme in ‘dog^s’

1. Compounds

oDefinition: Two or more words joined together to form a new word.
nHome + work à homework
Pick + pocket à pickpocket

ØCoconut oil   à oil made from coconuts.
ØOlive oil   à oil made from olives.
Baby oil
NOT oil made from babies
a house where men visit prostitutes
2. Acronyms
oDefinition: Words derived from the initials of several words
nsevere acute respiratory syndrome
  à SARS
nSelf-contained underwater breathing apparatus
a)Structured query language
b)For Your Information
c)Thanks God It’s Friday
d)also known as
e)Hypertext mark-up language
f)World wide web
oStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
3. Back-formations

oDefinition: Creative reduction due to incorrect morphological analysis.
neditor (1649)
  à edit (1791)
ntelevision (1907)
  à televise (1927)
4. Abbreviations (Clipping)

oDefinition: A word which is clipped
nFacsimile   à fax
nHamburger   à burger
n Gasoline   à gas
n Advertisement   à ad
n Omnibus   à bus
6. Blends

oDefinition: Similar to compounds, but parts of the words are deleted.
nMotor + hotel à Motel
nBreakfast + lunch à Brunch
nWireless + Fidelity à Wi-Fi

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Visa problems delay T-ara, Davichi, & Yangpa’s San Francisco concert

A few days ago, we reported that Core Contents Media had delayed their American concert, ‘K-Pop Power and Beauty Concert‘, for reasons unknown.

It’s just been revealed that the delay stems from a visa processing issue from concert organizers.

Though the artists were not at fault, they still felt upset at not being able to meet their foreign fans in person. “T-ara, Davichi, and Yangpa all worked hard for the concert. Unfortunately, due to the concert organizers’ delay in distributing visas, we were forced to postpone the concert until April,” said a representative for Core Contents Media. “We also feel very sorry for all the fans who were waiting for our artists. We promise to perform an even better stage in April.”

If everything had gone according to plan, the concert would have taken place on January 13th, as scheduled.

In lieu of such a hiccup, T-ara will now double back to music program to promote their latest track, “Lovey Dovey“. The girl group is currently scoring four-for-four on the music charts, with a string of successes going back to last summer with “Roly-Poly“.
source: allkpop
shared: shizieru

JYJ’s Get Out No.1 di MTV Czech Wishlist Chart

JYJ Get Out menjadi No.1 di chart MTV Czesh Wishlist Chart,  Video musik mengumpulkan 50% suara untuk mencapai posisi teratas. Lagu tersebut dapat bertahan diposisi puncak selama 10 minggu jika terus-menerus menerima suara. Voting  dimulai pada hari Jumat dan berlanjut sampai hari Rabu minggu depan.
source: mtvczeshjyj3

(PIKU)Jaejoong ada di sampul Majalah China
